inspired by the garbage collectors’ strike in Paris, Pierre Perret releases a song but becomes the laughingstock of the web

For several days and the start of the garbage collectors’ strike against the pension reform, tons of waste continue to accumulate in Paris. A situation that has had the gift of annoying some and inspiring others. Among them, Pierre Perret. The 88-year-old singer released a song called Paris Saccagé in which he points to the lack of cleanliness of the sidewalks of Lumière without forgetting the many works that he says are destroying the city.

“In Paris, disgusting Paris, only ras are happy”, “Poor Paris, ugly Paris, in what state they put you”, can we hear in this title whose clip was broadcast on social networks. But obviously the song was not welcomed by Internet users. Worse still, the interpreter of Lili was mocked on the web:

Says a guy who knows about it, for having rotten the French song well”, “What a shipwreck this immense artist that he was. This is an approach certainly orchestrated by the Parisian bourgeois right. And we will appreciate the timing for the release of this very responsive thing”, “Mmm! It’s really time to stop!”, “You’re singing out of tune in what state they’ve put you in”, “I don’t think he understands anything anymore. He’s completely overwhelmed poor Pierrot!”, “The song is a bit awkward, sung by a slightly breathless voice”, “The new song ‘Paris saccagé’ by Pierre Perret is a bit like ‘Coronavirus, asshole of virus’ by Renaud. A sloppy and reactive shit to surf on the air of time. But it smells as musty as a wet towel put away.”could we read in the middle of the many criticisms.

A few voices were raised to defend him and attack the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo… Twitter, this universe so ruthless!

See also: Cyril Hanouna asks Hidalgo to “shut up”: a TV star gets involved and attacks the host!


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