Inspirational Hugo Houle | The Press

From Sainte-Julie to Angoulême, the victory of the cyclist from Sainte-Perpétue on Tuesday sparked lively and joyful reactions. Many of you shared a personal anecdote, a good word or simply your admiration for this athlete. Here is an overview of the mail received.

Posted at 1:00 p.m.

The ideal son-in-law

I know Hugo well. In fact, my son, Antoine, and him often found themselves in the same bicycle races throughout the summer season when they were young teenagers. They even raced for the same team for a few seasons. My son’s best friend has even become the spouse of my daughter, Stephanie, with whom he shares his life. When I retired, he invited me to go ride in France and stay with him. Good guide and in addition, he excels in cooking. I had the chance to meet him in his home a few times since and he is an example of determination and seriousness. What I appreciate even more is that he has always been good grounded as they say. In summary, I would say that he is the type of son-in-law that any father would like to have. Well done Hugo.

Jean-Guy Matteau

Fabulous Wave!

Friends of Quebec, you can be proud of your runner. He won a high mountain stage alone in suffocating heat. Impressive !

Yves Geniez, Angouleme

Good news at last !

First and foremost, this victory inspires me with great pride! The Tour de France brings together the best cyclists in the world and it is a feat to finish a stage in first position. It also feels good to have good news, because it has to be said, with climate change, the war in Ukraine and inflation, good news is rare these days. Cycling is also a sport accessible to all, increasingly popular in Quebec, which allows you to get around without greenhouse gas emissions. This victory will perhaps encourage other young and old to practice this sport; a positive role model is always inspiring! Congratulations to you, Hugo Houle, for this victory!

Julie Chouinard, Otterburn Park

An inspiration for broadcasters

I would like the victory of the magnificent Hugo Houle to inspire… the broadcasters here! The Tour de France has long been broadcast in Quebec. It still is in 30 countries, says Jean Bélanger, president of Israel-Premier Tech (we too often forget to say that Premier Tech is a Rivière-du-Loup company) and sponsor of Hugo Houle. In these times when anyone who is sensitive to the environment should reduce their trips to a minimum, the images of the Tour offer and would offer again on our screens an incredible panorama of landscapes and historical data on the corner of the country crossed during a stage. while following our heroes live: Steve Bauer, David Veilleux, Hugo Houle, Guillaume Boivin, Antoine Duchesne, Michael Woods. Let’s add that this year there will be a great first: the Tour de France for women, starting on July 24 and comprising 8 stages. Thirty days of enchanting TV in the middle of the summer television desert, but what are you waiting for?

Lysanne Pariseau

An example of perseverance

Hugo Houle is an authentic, persevering and combative athlete. During the Giro d’Italia in 2015, we were proud to have managed to encourage him with a “Go Hugo!” Saint Perpetua! “, thus attracting his attention. A guy from home among the greats! We then met him at a conference in Vaudreuil the same year. It was then that we saw that he was an accessible and simple athlete. He is passionate about his sport, determined and he always aims to surpass himself, taking each competition as a step closer to his big dream. Even if he is far away, I believe that his brother has never been so present and proud of him during this important accomplishment. Quebec can be proud of this inspiring athlete! It is a pure example of perseverance, resilience and surpassing oneself. Amateur cyclists like me will continue to pedal and tell themselves that we can always go further, in sport and in life!

Isabelle Rompre, Vaudreuil-Dorion

athlete of the year

A remarkable feat in the circumstances of extreme heat. When you know the competitive level of the Tour, he immediately deserves the title of athlete of the year.

Fernand Pollack

Unforgettable !

What an exceptional day for Quebec and Canadian cycling! Hugo and Michael Matthews have just given us some incredible moments. We were able to watch the last kilometers of the stage as a family and live. We were starting to believe it on the last climb, if only Hugo could maintain his lead before the descent… For a family of cyclists like ours, we will never forget this moment. Well done Hugo! Well done Michael! We are really very proud of you!

Jocelyn Poirier, Sainte-Julie

Tribute to the team

I’ve been a fan of Hugo for years! I am impressed by his perseverance and professionalism! I am very proud of him for his victory, and moved. In fact, I already had the chance to ride with him when he was on the SpiderTech team (one Saturday before the Grand Prix Cycliste de Montréal). I have excellent memories of him, he is very friendly with a tongue-in-cheek side… Important to note, Steve Bauer is one of the team’s sporting directors and followed Hugo in the support car (he is the last Canadian to have won a stage in the Tour de France, 34 years ago), also the involvement and dedication of the team’s co-owner, patron Sylvan Adams (the Bromont velodrome now bears his name) and by Jean Bélanger from Premier Tech (a great Quebec company) who supports this great Israel-Premier Tech Pro Cycling team.

Yanick Perreault, cyclist

A great pride

I have been following Hugo Houle’s journey for several years on the professional cycling circuit, including his participation in the Tour de France. It’s a great pride to see a guy from our region achieve such a level of success. The same for the other Quebecers on the Tour de France, as well as the almost Quebecois team of Israel-Premier Tech. They represent us all with pride, courage and determination.

Serge Pellettier, Saint-Hyacinthe

Huge !

Huge this victory in the Tour de France. What’s more, Hugo Houle won it with panache in an extremely difficult stage, sportingly speaking, not to mention the heat which reigns in the south of France at present. From a not too bad young rider in the time trial to a good teammate in the altitude stages, Houle has grown in strength and has become a very complete rider who can have personal ambitions on the biggest stages in the world in any what racing profile. Many congratulations to this first-class ambassador, gifted, hardworking and now winner of a stage in the Tour de France!

Olivier Martin, Saint-Augustin-de-Desmaures

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