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In the United States, the large groups, Facebook in the lead, are more and more numerous to invest in the metaverse. Discovery of this virtual parallel universe, which has its worlds, houses and where man can create his digital double.
Games, culture work, everything will soon be accessible in a digital world, called “metaverse”. Part of the future is being built in Ashburn, Virginia, the data server capital of the world. “Version 1 of the web connected information and gave us the internet. Version 2 connected people, it gave e-commerce and social media. We are moving towards version 3, the metaverse. is the convergence of the physical world and the digital world “, explains Kathy Hackl, expert in metaverse strategy.
In the metaverse, human beings are replaced by volumetric avatars, digital doubles. According to Sovanna Mam, production manager at Avatar Dimension, each person will have a virtual twin in the metaverse “within 30 years“. Ultimately, experts believe that our avatars will do our training or official procedures in the virtual world, and that presidents’ avatars will meet at virtual summits. The metaverse already exists in a simplified version. The company Virbela, where the teams of France Televisions, is located in a digital world. You have to create an avatar to access it. The company’s 160 employees were all recruited from the metaverse, and never see each other in the physical world.