insecticides and vaccine in the line of sight against mosquitoes for the summer



Video length: 2 min.

France 2

Article written by

N.Tabouri, MC.Delouvrié, O.Martin, B.Parayre, D.Breysse, C.Alphonse – France 2

France Televisions

Few departments of France are not invaded by mosquitoes, in particular the tiger, carrier of dengue fever, Zika or Chikungunya. But solutions exist to repel them, and spend a serene summer.

A simple flower pots changed the life of this family. For the past year, mosquitoes have hardly been invited at aperitif time. A moment that parents and children take full advantage of, those who have often had to retreat. “We took out the little lemongrass thing. We sprayed the children with chemicals”, says Benjamin Pappo, family father. In the flower pots, a net traps mosquitoes. Insects are attracted to gas, which mimics the smell and human breath.

A prize of 1,200 euros

The trap eliminates 95% of mosquitoes within a radius of 15 meters. However, the device has a cost: around 1,200 euros, in addition to the price of the gas cylinder. The couple did not hesitate. This is no longer a topic”, says Gaëlle Pappohousewife.

Among these insectsis founde the tiger mosquito, which has become a scourge in France. It is now present in 71 departments. Gold, this insect carries Chikungunya. To fight against this virus, a vaccine is being put in place. The tests look promising. This vaccine could be marketed in France from January 2025, if the tests are successful.

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