“Inops” and “the wedding of Figaro” at the MAC in Bischwiller on May 10 and 11

On the program, two shows to be found in Bischwiller:

Tuesday May 10. 2022 • 8 p.m. – “INOPS” by Clément Dazin – Cie La Main de l’Homme

Like the individual in society, the circus artist is in constant struggle against invisible forces, he essentially fights against gravity and the end of movement. The biggest fight remains the one he leads against himself. “Inops” is a reflection on overpower, impotence and resistance through different circus disciplines. Imagined with six circus artists and four thousand plastic cups, “Inops” will invoke personal helplessness and also that of the group through games, acrobatics, juggling, fabric and rocking.

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Wednesday May 11. 2022 • 7 p.m. – THE WEDDING OF FIGARO

The Marriage of Figaro is one of the most emblematic operas in the repertoire. Brahms spoke of it as a “miracle” and the Countess’ lament still resounds today as one of the most heartbreaking musical pages. By resuming the comedy of Beaumarchais which was at the origin of a scandal which shook the whole of Parisian society, Mozart and Da Ponte ensured their success. The play had even been banned by Joseph II in 1785 at the Théâtre de Vienne. Should it expose too much on the front of the stage the contradictions of an already wavering regime, ready to sink with the French Revolution? Netia Jones’ new production retains the very essence of Beaumarchais’ play by humorously but not without playfully questioning human relationships, in a production that confuses reality and fiction to the point of asking, like the Count: “Let’s play- us a comedy? »

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