Innovations and trends | What to expect in 2022?

Sweets that heal teeth. Coffee that makes you lose weight. Shoes that make you run faster. Clickable clouds. No, this is not the beginning of a science fiction film, but very real trends and innovations, listed in the exciting new book by techno journalist Alain McKenna, 100 things to absolutely know in 2022. We told him about five concepts that he thinks will shape the landscape of this New Year.

Laila Maalouf

Laila Maalouf

“You will drink from paper bottles”


Paboco paper bottle

After paper straws, place for paper bottles? Alain McKenna mentions in his book the bottle of Paboco, designed from paper fibers and already tested by Coca-Cola in certain European countries to replace plastic. Heinz’s plastic ketchup bottle could also be the last we buy, he writes. “The issue of disposable plastic is extremely serious,” he recalls. Back home, we started removing plastics from the bathroom a little while ago. I replaced the shampoo bottles with hard shampoo bars. There are plenty of household products like that that we can exchange. There is even laundry soap in the form of sheets that dissolve in water. ”

“The four-day week will be popular”


More and more employers are considering shortening the work week to attract workers.

More and more employers are considering shortening the work week to attract workers. The movement has already started in Europe, while the results of American researchers are very encouraging, the book says. “There are tests that are done that show that you can get a little more work and be more productive while you are at the office, and everyone wins. It is a bit like that, the effects observed in the pilot projects of recent years, underlines Alain McKenna. We keep talking about a labor shortage… Not all companies can afford a more flexible schedule, of course, but workers have more leverage to negotiate their terms of employment. ”

“Carey Price might wish you happy birthday”


Carey Price

In the United States, the popularity of the app Cameo – which allows you to receive a personalized video from a celebrity – cannot be denied. “It’s extremely popular in the Anglosphere right now. I think we go towards this when we see how TikTok evolved. Want, don’t want, social networks push us towards people who are poles, who have a certain attraction greater than others, and this crossing of public figures and sportsmen with social networks leads to this kind of situation where people are willing to pay to have a hockey star sent a video message. The francophone equivalent would work very, very strongly in Quebec, that’s for sure. And the NHL is aware of this trend. ”

“You will be teleported to a room near you”


Mixed reality, do you know?

Mixed reality, do you know? “You put on glasses that project information and have motion sensors that let you know where you are in the physical environment. It creates a reality where you have both the virtual and the real, and that is coming very strongly, ”explains Alain McKenna. The journalist details in his book Guy Laliberté’s project, Hanai World, which would allow spectators to attend – from a distance – a live event as if they were seated in the room, thanks to cameras installed on site at strategic positions. “Microsoft, Facebook, Apple have projects, the big techs are in there; there are billions of dollars that are going to be invested in research and development. ”

“You will be hot (or cold) at will”


Embr Wave Bracelet

With the Embr Wave bracelet, which has just arrived on the market, you can now deceive your brain to adjust your body temperature. “It’s like a personal thermostat; it plays with the sensations, but it will not change the temperature in the room! There are a lot of things that we have not yet discovered, specifies Alain McKenna. Connected watches detect the heart rate in real time, the temperature of the skin, etc. For the moment, sensors are used a lot to push data on your state of health into an application, but the next step is to use these sensors to interact or send information or signals to our bodies that allow us to be in better condition. »When will we see a bracelet that promotes sleep?

100 things to absolutely know in 2022

100 things to absolutely know in 2022

Saint-Jean Editor

216 pages

source site-52