Injuries requiring plastic surgery

What is it about ?

The purpose of plastic surgery is to restore the appearance and restore the function of a certain part of the body. For best results, the plastic surgeon can collaborate with other surgeons, such as the maxillofacial surgeon in the event of facial lesions.

Plastic surgery may be indicated in the following cases:

  • reimplantation of an amputated limb (arm, leg) or a torn body part (hand, finger, ear, nose, penis);
  • facial injuries (eg dog bite, gunshot wound) or even deep tears or cuts: rebuild carefully immediately after cleaning;
  • in the event of serious injuries to the lower limbs and injuries with high kinetics (for example after explosions), the person is referred to a specialized trauma center. With an experienced traumatologist (doctor specializing in injuries caused by an accident or an act of violence), the plastic surgeon considers the different possible treatments. Dead tissue or tissue that no longer receives enough blood is removed (excised) and damaged tissue is reconstructed. To achieve this, micro-surgical tissue grafts are often necessary;
  • scar correction is usually done under local anesthesia, at least 6 months after the trauma or injury. If the scar prevents movement of the joint or the opening and closing of the mouth or eyes, it will be necessary to intervene immediately;
  • abnormal scar tissue (keloid).


Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Lesions requiring plastic surgery’ (2000), updated on 09.05.2017 and adapted to the Belgian context on 07.10.2019 – ebpracticenet