Recalled by Hervé Renard after being sidelined for two and a half years, the former captain of the Blues finally had to give up the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand on Friday.
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It was anticipated, it is now official. Amandine Henry, recalled to the France team aftertwo and a half years of absencehad to give up, Friday, July 7, to participate in the World Cup scheduled in Australia and New Zealand, from July 20 to August 20 (to be continued on the antennas of France Télévisions and Deprived of competition since March and absent Thursday during the victory of his family against Ireland (3-0), the former captain of the Blue (93 selections) will not be one of the 23 players led by Hervé Renard.
The coach, who had put an end to his disgrace, which began under the Corinne Deacon era, had anticipated the unavailability of the Angel City player, before her MRI passed on Friday. “Normally, we know what to expect, it will be an unavailability, it will have to be replacedhe said the day before. “It’s going to be difficult now. We’re going to say it was the worst time for it to happen.” Amandine Henry is the fifth contender for the adventure to have to forfeit, after Oriane Jean-François, Delphine Cascarino, Marie-Antoinette Katoto and Griedge Mbock.
Aïssatou Tounkara reinstated
Dismissed on Tuesday, when the list of 23 players selected by Hervé Renard was announced, but remained a reserve, Aïssatou Tounkara took the opportunity to return to the group. Little used at Manchester United this season, the 28-year-old defender considered a manager with Les Bleues (39 caps), will be with the France team. in Australia. Les Bleues will face the host country in a friendly on July 14 in Melbourne, before entering the World Cup on July 23 against Jamaica.