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The price of wheat again broke a record, at more than 438 euros per tonne, Monday, May 16. Faced with this, artisan bakers compete in ingenuity to limit costs.
Wheat flour, butter, oil, egg, everything increases for the baker. To succeed with his baguettes, he also needs very hot ovens, electric ovens, and the bill reaches peaks, up to 3,000 euros per month. So he tries to use his ovens as little as possible. “We will try to group the batches at the level of the bread to reduce energy consumption. And we will turn off the oven for one hour during the day”, says Maxime Anract, baker at Maison Collet.
As its margins shrink, there are no small savings. The baker also turns off the lights and fetches his baguettes in the dark. All ideas are good to take to get out of it. To Saure, in the Landes, the boss has invested in a grinder. Since then, he no longer throws his unsold, he reduces them to powder. “The excess breadcrumbs will be reused at 20% for the remanufacturing of a baguette, which is called ‘the eco baguette'”, explains Yoann Porteu, baker at Ô petit Creux.