initially, Olivier Véran was “against the health pass”

Sacred turnaround. This Thursday, January 13, the sprinkler was watered and that must have pleased people against the vaccine. Indeed, Olivier Véran was in turn affected by the Covid-19. The Minister of Health announcing the sad news on his account Twitter: “I have just tested positive for Covid. As a result, I am self-isolating and continuing to carry out my duties remotely”. Like what, the “vaccine does not protect that much” some will say while others will recall that at no time did the government announce that it was impossible to contract the virus by being vaccinated.
In any case, the declaration of the member of the government of Emmanuel Macron should again be talked about in a few days. Next January 16, France 5 will broadcast its third episode of the documentary review of France 5 entitled Five Years, directed by Jérôme Bermyn and Raphaëlle Baillot remind our colleagues of Gala. An episode, shot several months ago, in which Olivier Véran holds a totally different speech than that of today. Where it is possible to hear the Minister of Health confess: “I have never hidden it, the concept of a health pass is quite foreign to me. I am rather opposed to it in principle”, he says in part of the episode. The one who has just tested positive for Covid-19 goes even further and lets go: “Besides, I say: ‘We don’t have to ask for a health pass to go to the restaurant.’ But… a fourth wave is coming. A hyper-contagious Delta variant. A large part of the population is vaccinated, the other is not…”
In the end, even if he said he was against the health pass, he did not say he was against the vaccine either. Olivier Véran has therefore kept the same speech since the start of the pandemic. No offense to some…

See also: End of the vaccination pass: what has just been announced by Olivier Véran… and it’s very clear!


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