inhabitants of kyiv, “last rampart against this barbaric invasion”, judge the visit of Emmanuel Macron

Strong gestures beyond the symbol, this is what the Ukrainians hoped for when theFrench President Emmanuel Macron, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi and Romanian President Klaus Iohannis traveled to Ukraine for the first time on Thursday June 16, since the beginning of the Russian invasion on February 24. A trip that ended with the announcement of the leaders’ decision to grant Ukraine the status of candidate country for membership of the European Union.

>> War in Ukraine: what to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s visit to kyiv

Finally good news in these times of war, says Viteslav, a retired soldier met in the district of the presidential palace, in kyiv, Ukraine, where the negotiations were held.

“Ukraine wants to join the civilized countries of Europe, he explains. With the war, we know that it will take time to become a full member of the European Union. But it is already very good that such important leaders came to Kyiv and gave us the opportunity to have this candidate status.”

Until now, the Ukrainians have been very critical of France and Germany, in particular for their military support, which they consider too timid. On this point, Emmanuel Macron has promised to strengthen aid to Ukraine by providing six new Caesar cannons, renowned for their precision, in the coming weeks, but even more are needed, says Anatoli, a young soldier returning from the front. . He fought in the Donbass.

“It’s already not bad, but we need a lot more weapons because the front is very extensive. We need artillery, tanks, armored vehicles.”

“I would like to ask Emmanuel Macron to give us more because the situation on the front line is very difficult and Ukraine is like a bulwark protecting Europe from this barbaric invasion.” On the whole, the Ukrainians that franceinfo met all day in the streets of kyiv were rather reassured by these discussions with European leaders, with clear commitments which will perhaps make it possible to envisage a better future once the war finished.

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