Ingrid Chauvin worried about Tom, this habit that could play tricks on him

Happiness, Ingrid Chauvin has been entitled to it for several years and in particular thanks to her son Tom. Her six-and-a-half-year-old son fills her on every level, and the two have a mother-son relationship that the actress wishes all moms have. In addition to their beautiful relationship, the actress is pleased to see her child so mature for his age.

“I have an incredible relationship with him, even if, like all mums, I am not objective. However, he has an extraordinary maturity for his age”she rejoices at first before explaining: “We are in mutual protection. Sometimes I have the impression that he is 12-13 years old, he feels things so much and shows kindness to me”. And if Ingrid Chauvin is also protective of her son, it is also because she experienced a painful moment in the past when she lost her daughter Jade, also the fruit of her love with her ex-companion Thierry Peythieu, born in October 2013, and died five months later from a heart defect…

Adolescence, a period so dreaded by Ingrid Chauvin

In fact, the actress, who announced a happy event a few weeks ago, is aware of the chance she has today and takes advantage of every moment present with Tom. Despite everything, this does not detract from her role as a mother. Ingrid Chauvin knows it, she sometimes has to be firm to educate her son. She has also taken a certain habit of explaining to him the things that do not please him all the time.

“Very quickly, I got into the habit of explaining to him why and how, even if it may seem ‘boring’ for him, like going to bed early to be in good shape for school the next day. , he understands and accepts without complaining”explains the actress, aware that, in a few years, things could become more complicated with the arrival of adolescence. “May it last! If it happens, I’m going to take a backlash in a few years!”, she says worried about the future.

See also: Ingrid Chauvin: after the death of her daughter, here is what she demanded in “Tomorrow belongs to us”…


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