Ingrid Chauvin on the beach in Cannes with Philippe Warrin: Relaxation and idleness on the sand

All is well in the best of worlds for Ingrid Chauvin. In a relationship with Philippe Warrin, his “soulmate“, since December 2021, the actress of the series tomorrow belongs to us seems to be spending a heavenly vacation by the sea with him.”We kiss you“, she wrote in the caption of a portrait taken in Cannes revealing the two lovebirds tenderly entwined. Both adorned with their sunglasses, the lovers are enjoying the last days of a romantic vacation before the start of the school year which is fast approaching.

An idyll worthy of a fairy tale since Ingrid Chauvin and Philippe Warrin have known each other in reality for nineteen years. At the time, the actress had crossed her path during a photo shoot. Each had immediately felt a violent crush on each other but they could not go further being already engaged with their partners. “As soon as we saw each other, there was this incredible emotion, the feeling of having before you the other half of the puzzle that we are all looking for.“, had explained the pretty redhead to Gala before stating:It was an impossible love“. Same story for Philippe Warrin who declared: “Nineteen years ago, […], from the first minute, I had fallen madly in love. I had never felt that. […] To find her today is unexpected“.

Separated from Thierry Peythieu since November 2020 (the father of her son Tom and her missing daughter Jade), the 48-year-old actress regularly sends beautiful declarations of love to the man of her life. On February 14, Valentine’s Day, Ingrid Chauvin had written very beautiful words for the one who now shares his life.

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