Ingrid Chauvin in a relationship with Philippe Warrin: secrets about their large blended family

Ingrid Chauvin would never have thought of living such happiness after her separation from her husband Thierry Peythieu. The star actress of tomorrow belongs to us had announced their breakup in November 2020 and then became a single mother of their adorable Tom (5 years old). But life finally quickly placed in its way Philip Warrin, her ex and photographer whom she had not seen for almost twenty years. And between them it was “absolutely obvious“as she was able to confide after having formalized their flashback on social networks.

In addition to having won the heart of the professional photographer, Ingrid Chauvin has probably conquered that of her children, Luana, Lea and Vasco, born from a previous relationship. Indeed, as she was able to suggest recently by wishing a happy birthday to the young Léa on the Web, all these beautiful people form today a beautiful and large blended family. “It is a true gift of life. I have always dreamed of having a big family and, as a mother, life did not give me this possibility. Today, we have four children 5, 14, 22 and 23 years old, who feel like they’ve known each other forever. Everyone has found their place, everyone gets along well“, she assured in the pages of We bothwhose new issue was published on Tuesday, May 3, 2022.

Ingrid Chauvin’s son, Tom, is undoubtedly the happiest of all, he who has established himself as the great darling of his new brothers and sisters. “For him, it’s just more. He has a unique relationship with each of the children. The age difference between them is not noticeable. He had a crush on Léa, who is 22 years old, he is almost in love with her. She is very soft. Vasco, aged 14, is very touched by this new little brother whom he likes to take care of. The tall one, Luana, has a lot of energy, they dance together. It is a very well orchestrated score. I think it’s great, I have a house full of life with children, animals. It’s fun, it’s fun!“, rejoices the 48-year-old actress.

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