Ingrid Chauvin cuddles with her companion Philippe Warrin at the pool

In the caption of this beautiful photo to four, Jennifer Lauret sends a tender message to her friend and colleague. “There are magical and striking encounters… evidence. We recognized each other immediately… When fiction meets reality. Thank you universe, thank you life, thank you @dna_TF1, thank you @ingrid_chauvin_officiel“, can we read. Even more, in hashtag, the pretty brunette who plays the role of Raphaëlle Perraud in the series adds the words “friendship“, “love“, “truth“.

This relationship between the two actresses is not new. “It’s a very nice meeting. We look a lot alike. (…) Jennifer is someone simple, human, normal, and it feels good. Especially in this profession where relationships are often superficial“, revealed Ingrid Chauvin to TV 7 Days in this month of June 2022. And to specify that his son Tom was also close to Shaana (15 years old), Anna (11 years old) and Nell (10 years old), the children of Jennifer Lauret.

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