Ingrid Chauvin and her ex Thierry Peythieu: their son Tom cute for his 6 years, separate birthdays

Happy birthday my love Tom… You are such a great little boy… Your daddy is proud of you…
I love you to the moon as you like to tell me… I love you to the stars and much more…“, writes in legend Thierry Peythieu.

A very happy birthday to little Tom“, “happy birthday little guy“, “Happy Birthday Tom“, “Happy birthday Tom enjoy this wonderful day, yes you have 1 adorable son“, “Already 6 years old happy birthday Tom“, “A very happy birthday to Tom your little prince. beautiful birthday day“, can we read in the comments of this publication.

Ingrid Chauvin had married Thierry Peythieu on August 27, 2011 and the couple had welcomed two children: Jade born on October 17, 2013 (who died at only five months old due to a heart defect) and Tom born on June 10, 2016. The 11 November 2020, the actress announced their separation without going into the reasons for their unexpected divorce. Since then, she has found love in the arms of a former friend/lover: Philippe Warrin.

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