It is with a lot of love, this Sunday, December 5, 2021, that Ingrid Chauvin seized on social networks. On her Instagram account, the actress who is featured in the series Tomorrow belongs to us on TF1 surprised Internet users by revealing, in broad daylight, to be a couple again.
Wonderful news for the 48-year-old actress she shared by posting a photograph in which she appears radiant alongside her new companion, the photographer Philippe Warrin. “I like this photo, because it represents the past as well as the future“, she first wrote. And to continue, with great happiness:”It also represents, an impossible that becomes possible, then a dream that becomes reality today. 2 people can be made to be together, but for various reasons it is not the right timing. But … fate takes care of the rest, soul mates always end up meeting!“
A beautiful romance that Ingrid Chauvin also wished for her single subscribers, by sending them a positive message telling them to be a little more “confident“in love.