Ingestion of a caustic substance in children

What is it about ?

A caustic (or “corrosive”) substance can be acidic or basic. Household products include acids in descalers, vinegar or rust removers. Basic products are, for example, bleach, oven cleaners or ammonia.

The hazard symbol and the words “biting / corrosive / caustic” on the label indicate that this is a corrosive / caustic product. If swallowed, this type of product can cause serious burns in the digestive system.

What can you do ?

Above all, prevent your child from having access to a corrosive substance. Before you buy any, ask yourself if you really need the corrosive product. Use the product when your child is not near you and take the necessary precautionary measures (eg keep it in an inaccessible place).

If your child still swallows a corrosive substance, rinse his mouth and throat with water as soon as possible. Then give your child milk or water to dilute the corrosive substance. Do not induce vomiting as this may make the injury worse. The child must be examined in the hospital urgently. You must therefore call the emergency number 112 without delay.

What can your doctor do?

Difficulty swallowing, drool, vomiting (of blood) Where difficulty in breathing are important warning symptoms for which intensive care treatment may be indicated. In severe cases difficulty in breathing, it will be necessary to introduce a breathing tube in the trachea of ​​the child (intubation).

In severe cases swallowing problems or serious vomiting, he will be given fluids by infusion. Technical examinations are not indicated, except possibly an endoscopy of the esophagus if the child continues to have pain and excessive saliva (drooling) for 12 to 24 hours (not before 24 to 36 hours after ingestion of the substance. corrosive).

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Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Ingestion of a caustic substance in children’ (2000), updated on 01.12.2016 and adapted to the Belgian context on 22.11.2019 – ebpracticenet