Infonie unfinished, stereophony rediscovered | The Press

Touttt is ô bouttt for lovers of bizarre music and Quebec counter-culture. The film The Unfinished Infoniaby Roger Frappier, will experience a second life thanks to the magic of restoration.

A new stereophonic version of this extremely rare, even impossible to find documentary, will be presented on Monday at the Cinémathèque, in the presence of the filmmaker and producer.

Filmed in 1972 in the wake of the album 333, The Unfinished Infonia follows the collective, led by Raoûl Duguay and Walter Boudreau, in its iconoclastic delirium, on stage and elsewhere. The film was made in stereophony, in order to “reproduce the sound spatialization of the long musical tracks” of the group. But it could not be screened in this format, most Quebec cinemas at the time not being equipped to receive this type of film.

We will therefore see it as it should have been seen, and above all… heard. Open your three ears!

The Unfinished Infonia (1974) at the Cinémathèque québécoise, Monday, January 16 at 6:30 p.m.

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