Infographic Vaccinated, not vaccinated? Positive or contact case? Discover at a glance the latest rules on isolation measures in the face of Covid-19

France has relaxed quarantine measures, especially for people who have been vaccinated. Franceinfo gives you a picture of the new procedure to follow.

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Like many countries, France has chosen to modify the rules governing quarantines for Covid-19. Great novelty: positive people who are fully vaccinated will now have to isolate themselves for seven days, instead of ten, and this quarantine can be lifted after five days in the event of a negative test. In addition, there will be no more quarantine for people with contact cases with a complete vaccination schedule.

These new rules have been communicated (PDF Format) by the Directorate General of Health (DGS), Sunday January 2, after recommendations from the High Council of Public Health (HCSP). And since it is sometimes difficult to navigate, here is a little help on how to react in case of contamination or potential exposure to the virus. Consult the table below for the procedure to follow depending on your situation, whether you are an adult or a child, fully vaccinated or not, tested positive or in contact.

New isolation rules came into effect on Monday January 3.  (JESSICA KOMGUEN / FRANCEINFO)

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