INFO FRANCEINFO. The government is reviewing the file before granting 800,000 euros in subsidies to Servier

The pharmaceutical group was to receive a subsidy of 800,000 euros from the State to help it manufacture molecules “of major therapeutic interest”. Except that these drugs are deemed useless or even dangerous by health authorities.

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The government backs down after the revelations of Le Canard Enchaîné. According to information from franceinfo on Friday March 25, the Ministry of the Economy finally decides to re-examine the file of a subsidy of 800,000 euros to the Servier laboratories, condemned for “aggravated deception” and “homicides and involuntary injuries” in the health scandal. of the Mediator. Conviction which Servier Laboratories appealed.

These 800,000 euros were to help relocate the production of molecules of major therapeutic interest to its factory in Gidy (Loiret). And this so that France regains its pharmaceutical sovereignty and is self-sufficient in the event of a health crisis.

However, one of the drugs manufactured on the site, Triplixam, a diuretic, is not reimbursed by Social Security, because the High Authority for Health (HAS) has deemed it unnecessary. Same thing for Vastarel, against vertigo and tinnitus. “So there, it’s the ponpon”launches doctor Irène Frachon who revealed the scandal of the Mediator. “The Haute Autorité de Santé delisted this drug in 2011, judging that it had never been proven to be ineffective and that, on the other hand, we were certain that it was dangerous.” So, for Irène Frachon, considering that Servier is going to manufacture “molecules of major therapeutic interest, it’s a lie, this story is mind-blowing”.

Not to mention that this Loiret factory which was to benefit from this subsidy is in the midst of social unrest. Servier plans to transfer 70 of its employees more than a hundred kilometers away. The government will therefore completely re-examine this subsidy file.

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