These sessions will take place mainly in the north of France, the Great East and the West of France, details Force Ouvrière, the group’s first union, at franceinfo.
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The large distribution group Casino has detailed the list of stores that will be sold to Intermarché during an exceptional central committee which took place on Monday morning. According to information from franceinfo obtained from Force Ouvrière, the group’s leading union, the latter will sell 119 stores to Intermarché, of which 57 will change flags at the end of the year, the others within three years.
>> INFO FRANCEINFO. The Casino group presents the list of stores it will sell to Intermarché
These sessions will concern 4,000 employees and will take place mainly (in order of importance) in Occitania, New Aquitaine, Paca, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, detail the Casino unions at franceinfo. The Casino group wants to concentrate its activity in Île-de-France, Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur and in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, the latter region which still houses the company’s historic headquarters in Saint-Etienne.
The Casino group employs 56,000 people in France. Force Ouvrière promises to be attentive to the future of the employees concerned by these sessions, mainly to the benefits that they are likely to lose, because Intermarché is a group of independents and does not offer the same guarantees as Casino. Particular attention is paid to leave, provident insurance and profit-sharing for these future Intermarché employees. The CGT denounces “carnage” and is worried about possible job cuts.