INFO FRANCEINFO. The annual budget for French health costs has increased by 75% for five years, according to a study by Cofidis

A quarter of French people say they have to “tighten their belts”, according to a Cofidis study, revealed on Wednesday exclusively on franceinfo. Dental and optical care are the most expensive.

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An optician, in Agen (Lot-et-Garonne), in October 2020 (illustration).  (QUENTIN FALCO / HANS LUCAS)

The French are spending more and more on their health, according to a Cofidis study that franceinfo reveals to you on Wednesday April 12 exclusively. In 2018, this budget was 715 euros per year compared to 1,249 euros in 2023, i.e. a significant increase of 534 euros over the past five years. This increase is explained according to the study by the fact that since the Covid the concerns about health have become more important.

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The French also spend more because despite reimbursements, through social security and mutual insurance, the rest to be paid for is significant. The remainder to be paid corresponds to the amount that remains to be paid. It has improved slightly in recent years. Today, this remaining charge is estimated at 288 euros per year, according to the Cofidis study, or around fifty euros more than five years ago. According to this survey, 83% of French people say they were able to afford care last year. However, a quarter of French people say they have to “tighten your seatbelt”. Among them in particular, households with dependent children (26%).

One in two French people give up dental care

While young people aged 18 to 24 have recorded higher health expenditure over the past five years (180 euros per month on average), they now appear to be one of the populations most affected by the consequences of inflation. health matter. They are indeed 39% to declare having difficulties to pay their care.

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The renunciation of care is explained by the tariffs, but not only. Often, we do not get treatment, too, for lack of available doctors, of possible appointments for 30% of respondents or because of medical deserts (26%). Health costs where the remaining charge is the highest are dental (76%) and optical (74%). These are also the two treatments which the French most often give up, particularly dental care for 52% of those questioned and among them 60% of those over 50 years old.

Sample of 1004 French people, representative of the French population aged 18 and over. Self-administered sample online from March 14 to 20, 2023, constituted according to the quota method on the following criteria: sex, age, profession, region of residence and category of agglomeration.

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