La France Insoumise will file a counter-proposal for a law on wages and the sharing of wealth next week, according to information from franceinfo. Jean-Rémi Baudot’s political brief.
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La France insoumise (LFI) will announce on Wednesday May 17 the filing next week of a counter-proposal for a law on wages and the sharing of wealth, two of the themes invested by the government for the “100 days of appeasement” decided by Emmanuel Macron. According to information from franceinfo, it is carried by a trio of Insoumis: the deputy of Seine-Saint-Denis Aurélie Trouvou, that of Loire-Atlantique Matthias Tavel and the deputy of Haute-Garonne Hadrien Clouet, all close to Jean- Luc Melenchon.
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The text comprises ten articles, and will be declined in the form of amendments in the coming weeks, during the various government bills on France Travail or the sharing of value, for lack of space on the parliamentary niches of LFI.
Two main axes make up the bill
To better distribute the wealth, the deputies want to cap the remuneration of the shareholders, with in particular the prohibition to increase the dividends more than the wages. They also want the amount of profits paid out in dividends not to be greater than the amounts paid out in profit-sharing and profit-sharing: “If the shareholders want to increase, they will have to increase the employees”they explain to franceinfo.
On the second axis, wages, the text proposes a minimum wage of 1,600 euros net, or even the limitation of wage differences from 1 to 20 in companies. The Insoumis also want to remove exemptions from contributions for companies whose minimum wage is below the minimum wage, which concerns more than a hundred professional branches.
The rebels want to index wages to inflation
This is the most emblematic measure of the text. A measure imposed, but left to the negotiation of the social partners to choose on which index and possibly up to what level of salary it would apply. Indexation between inflation and wages is a device that already existed under the Fifth Republic, but which was abolished in 1983 by the left.
According to information from franceinfo, a meeting is scheduled between the Insoumis deputies and the unions on May 31.