The Minister of the Interior sent a circular on Wednesday in which he justifies the decrees prohibiting ultra-right demonstrations by, among other things, the risks of material disturbances to public order and incitement to hatred.
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After the organization on Saturday May 6, of an ultra-right demonstration in the streets of Paris, the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin indicated Tuesday May 9 to the National Assembly that he was going to ask the prefects to ban all ultra-right manifestations. The Minister sent Wednesday, May 10, in the afternoon, a circular to the prefects in order to specify these prohibitions. Gérald Darmanin invites them to “special attention” to avoid “that such gatherings and demonstrations do not happen again”.
>> Gérald Darmanin wants to send the hot potato of the demonstrations of the ultra-right to justice: the editorial of Renaud Dély
“You will pay particular attention to declarations of demonstrations made by individuals from dissolved groups, calling for hatred or claiming violent action”writes the Minister, “so that the images seen in Paris do not reproduce in any case”adds Gérald Darmanin.
Already a banned demonstration in Paris
To base the prohibition orders, he appended a number of reasons from the so-called “Dieudonné” case law. Are mentioned “the risks of material disturbances to public order” : risks of confrontations or counter-demonstrations for example but also the “risk of slogans or remarks likely to call into question national cohesion or the principles enshrined in the Declaration of Human Rights” : I’“apology for collaboration”or even the“conflation between immigration and Islamism” are cited as an example. Finally, the Minister also highlights the “risk of committing criminal offences”including incitement to hatred or discrimination.
>> “Little arm”, “elements of language”, “double standards” … The deputies wonder about the ban on ultra-right demonstrations requested by Gérald Darmanin
The Paris police headquarters has already announced its intention to ban the ultra-right demonstration organized by Action française and the French nationalist party, scheduled for the Place de l’Opéra on Sunday, France Inter learned on Wednesday from a police source.