INFO FRANCEINFO. Elisabeth Borne will lead the legislative battle and remains a candidate in Calvados

While Elisabeth Borne has just been appointed Prime Minister, a source within the presidential majority confirms Monday, May 16 to franceinfo, that she will lead the legislative battle well and that she remains a candidate in the sixth constituency of Calvados. “It’s all the difference with those who say ‘elect me’ in an election where they are not candidates”adds on Twitter, the general delegate of La République en Marche, Stanislas Guérini. “Élisabeth Borne is a woman of commitment. She is and will remain a candidate in the legislative elections.”

>> Reshuffle: Elisabeth Borne appointed Prime Minister, follow the live

The opponent of the Nupes of Elisabeth Borne in this constituency denounces Monday, in a press release the “disastrous record” what “share” with Emmanuel Macron. “I will face him”promises Noé Gauchard on Twitter.

“Under his responsibility, France’s objectives in terms of ecological bifurcation have been ignored in the name of financial competitiveness”, he says in his press release. “Ms. Borne is responsible for the reduction in benefits for a million unemployed, he continues, It opened rail and the RATP to competition and changed the status of railway workers. Noé Gauchard uses the words of Jean-Luc Mélenchon when he asserts that Élisabeth Borne, “favorable to retirement at 65”is part of “the harshest figures of macronist social abuse”.

Without denouncing the parachuting of Elisabeth Borne, Noé Gauchard offers Monday on Twitter to“send a Norman to the Assembly”. “I know Calvados and its issues well, he assuresGrandson of a farmer, my family has been rooted there for several generations and I grew up in this department.”

According to a model from franceinfo, based on the results of the first round of the presidential election and the participation in the first round of the 2017 legislative elections in each constituency, a triangular is possible in the second round of the 2022 legislative elections, after a first round tight between the candidates Together, RN and Nupes in this 6th constituency of Calvados.

The other candidates for the legislative elections on 12th and 19th June next in this sixth constituency of Calvados are Jean-Philippe Roy for the National Rally, Bruno Battail for the Animalist Party and Pascale Georget for Lutte Ouvrière.

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