INFO FRANCE 2. Nearly one in four jobs will be “challenged” by artificial intelligence within ten years, according to the OECD



Video length: 4 mins.

France 2

Article written by

J.Cholin, C.Colnet, L.Lemoigne, M.Mouamma, J.Dhib – France 2

France Televisions

Lawyer, accountant, graphic designer… Will these professions still exist in ten years? In a study to be published in July, the OECD establishes that 24% of current workstations will be challenged by the rise of AI.

“The world is changing rapidly”warned in 2019 in a report (PDF) the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), on the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) in the world of work. About four years later, a study by the institution, to be published in July, reveals that 24% of professions will be affected by the arrival of AI in the next ten years. According to this evaluation, 9% even risk disappearing, replaced by the machine. “The automatable jobs this time concern superior intellectual jobs, in the tertiary sector, unlike previous industrial revolutions which caused the destruction of blue-collar jobs”, specifies Stefano Scarpetta, director of research at the OECD, at France Télévisions.

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This shock forecast is however already almost obsolete, explains the economist. “We conducted this study before ChatGPT went live”, emphasizes Stefano Scarpetta. The content generator published by the American company OpenAI changes the situation a little more, and “more jobs than expected may be affected, and the impact on the world of work may even be more widespread than previously thought”.

Based on interviews with 5,000 workers from OECD countries, in 2,000 finance and manufacturing companies, the organization also noted the fears generated by AI. Thus, 30% of the workers questioned say they “worried” of its development, while 19% say they are “very worried” and feel that their job is threatened.

Jobs created in cybersecurity

In March, the American bank Goldman Sachs itself published an assessment according to which 300 million jobs worldwide could be replaced by AI in the next few years. Office jobs and mainly administrative tasks, unlike construction and maintenance jobs.

For the world economic forum, 83 million jobs should indeed be eliminated over the next five years, but 69 million other jobs could be created, with high demand in the cybersecurity and new technologies sectors. “The question that arises now is that of job sharingpoints Stefano Scarpetta. Will this reduction in working time for workers be compensated in terms of wages, or are we heading towards an increase in inequalities?

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