Info Alert – Three weeks after his attack in Arles prison, Yvan Colonna is dead

He had been brain dead since March 2 and, unfortunately, everyone expected it… Yvan Colonna, sentenced for the assassination in connection with a terrorist enterprise of the prefect Claude Érignac, committed on February 6, 1998 in Ajaccio, lost his life on Monday March 21, according to our colleagues from Parisian. This death follows the violent attack by another inmate of Arles prison, 35-year-old Franck Elong Abe, plunging Yvan Colonna into a coma for more than three weeks.

The aggressor accused him of having “spit on God”. He has since been charged with attempted terrorism. It was a “manifestly terrorist act”, according to the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. Since this event, Corsica has experienced an outbreak of violence on the island and it risks igniting even more following this announcement…

A violent assault

“The facts took place in the courtyard, when an inmate, for reasons that are not yet known, violently attacked Yvan Colonna with his bare hands”, explained a source to our colleagues on March 2. The same source adding that “the judicial police had been seized”. In prison since 2003, the “shepherd of Cargèse” as the French press nicknamed him, was born on April 7, 1960 in Ajaccio. He was the son of Jean-Hugues Colonna, born in Cargèse and former socialist deputy of the Alpes-Maritimes, and his wife Cécile Riou. It was when he moved to Cargèse that he started raising goats.

Following the murder of the prefect Claude Erignac, Yvan Colonna was denounced by four of the six co-accused nationalists. It was following this denunciation that he fled on May 23, 1999 and escaped justice for more than four years. He was finally arrested near Olmeto on July 4, 2003 and transferred the following day, July 5, to the prison of La Santé. Yvan Colonna had already been in Arles prison for many years. A penitentiary in which he will have finally spent the last days of his life…

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