Inflation, superprofits, green funds… What to remember from the avenues mentioned by Elisabeth Borne

Announcements, updates and some figures. In an interview with the newspaper The Parisian (paid item) published Saturday August 27, Elisabeth Borne presented the tracks of her government for the start of the school year. On the program: the fight against galloping inflation due in part to the war in Ukraine, but also against global warming. Franceinfo summarizes the main lines put forward by the Prime Minister in this interview.

“Provisions” to contain inflation

Elisabeth Borne promises that the government will take “the specific provisions” to mitigate the effects on purchasing power of inflation that never ceases to worry (+6.1% over one year, according to INSEE). “The French can be reassured, we will cushion the increases, said the Prime Minister, we are not going to let energy prices explode.” Without further specifying the contours of these provisions, the Prime Minister explained that particular attention would be paid to the households “more fragile”.

We must therefore expect new measures to replace the tariff shield, which has made it possible to limit inflation in France thanks to the freezing of gas and electricity prices. The end of this device, whose bill exceeds 20 billion euros for the State, must intervene at the end of the year 2022. To face the energy crisis, which is strongly felt on the markets of wholesale, the government has called on households to be sober, but does not intend to monitor usage. “Let’s be clear, we are not going to control the French at home”tempered Elisabeth Borne, who nevertheless wishes that “everyone is aware of the gravity of the moment”.

A “green fund” of 1.5 billion euros for the ecological transition of communities

Faced with the climate crisis, Elisabeth Borne announced the creation of an envelope to help communities adapt. The Head of Government clarified that this “green fund” would have a budget of 1.5 billion euros. For the Matignon tenant, this fund should help them “implement solutions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions”. In concrete terms, this aid could be used for the energy renovation of buildings, schools in particular, but also to bring “nature in the cities” or to install “relay car parks”suggests the Prime Minister.

To this public fund is added a “ecological planning” national, the details of which should be known before the end of the year. “We will act in all areas of our lives: buildings, transport, industry, agriculture, water management”, listed Elisabeth Borne. A global plan therefore, rather than targeted measures, such as the regulation of private jet flights mentioned by Clément Beaune, his Minister Delegate in charge of Transport. “I don’t want to get into this debate”she decided.

A tax on superprofits not excluded

While whole sections of the French economy are at half mast, some players are generating exceptional profits. Unlike Italy, the United Kingdom or Spain, France does not tax the superprofits of the oil giants, for example. A situation that is debating and which could soon change. “I’m not closing the door”, assured the Prime Minister, who is counting for the moment on the goodwill of the private sector. “I think the most effective and concrete thing for the French is when a company, when it can, lowers prices for the consumer and gives purchasing power to its employees”, she summarized, referring to the “Macron bonus”, the ceiling of which has been greatly increased.

A possible recourse to 49.3 to vote the budget at the Assembly

In the fall, the government will face the first major test of the legislature without an absolute majority in the National Assembly: the vote on the finance bill (PLF). Elisabeth Borne does not rule out having recourse to article 49.3 of the Constitution, which allows the adoption of a text without a vote except for a motion of censure. “We will advise, because the French did not ask us to stand still”replied the Prime Minister, when asked about this possibility. “I am also aware that, for an opposition group, it is symbolic to vote for a budget. But if necessary, there are tools in the Constitution to be able to move forward”she slipped.

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