Inflation slows slightly in September, to 5.6% over one year, according to provisional figures from INSEE

This decline is linked to a “slowdown” rise in energy and service prices, but food prices continue to rise, explains INSEE.

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The rise in consumer prices in France slowed in September, to 5.6% over one year, against 5.9% in August, according to provisional data published Friday, September 30 by INSEE. This decline in inflation is due to the “slow-down” the rise in energy and service prices, explains the National Institute of Statistics. While the increase in food prices is accelerating and that of manufactured products continues at a rate close to the previous month.

After August, this is the second slowdown in consumer price inflation in France year-on-year since July 2021, when inflation was limited to 1.2%. Over one month, consumer prices fell back by 0.5%, after +0.5% in August. “For the third month in a row” energy prices have fallen “in the wake of oil product prices”. The increase over one year is 17.8%, against +22.7% in August.

Over the same period, that of food prices rose 9.9% in September. The prices of fresh products increased by 11% over the same period, against +3.5% in August. The rise in the prices of manufactured products continued moderately (+3.6% against +3.5% in August).

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