inflation at its highest level in over 30 years




Article written by La Mornais, A.Sangouard, T. Donzel, K. Sullivan – France 2

France Televisions

In the United States, inflation reached 6.2% in one year. This is the largest increase recorded since 1990, and it concerns all sectors.

Apples at $ 2.49 per pound (or 4.40 euros per kg), or 500 g of pasta at 2.99 dollars (or 2.60 euros). In a large area of Washington (United States), Monday, November 15, customers measure the extent of US inflation, at its highest level since 1990, 31 years ago. “All prices are skyrocketing. Now, with 100 dollars, I fill up two shopping bags, whereas before, it was three or four “, deplores a client.

Since October 2020, the prices of consumer products have increased by more than 6%. “Households are now spending 200 dollars, 175 euros more per month, on exactly the same products as a year ago”, explains Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody’s Analytics. The surge can be explained in particular by the pandemic, which has disrupted supply chains. Transportation is long and expensive. Energy prices have also increased by almost 30%, and the essence of nearly 50%, further adding to the addition for all products.

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