inflation accelerating sharply in February, to 3.6% over one year

Prices for energy, transport and manufactured goods have risen sharply according to the National Institute statistics and economic studies.

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It is fueled by almost generalized price increases. Inflation accelerated sharply in February in France to settle at 3.6% over one year, according to an initial estimate, unveiled on Friday February 25 by INSEE. At the beginning of the month, the national institute statistics and economic studies has revised upwards its inflation forecast for the first half of 2022 and now anticipates a 3 to 3.5% increase in the indicator over this period.

A final figure known in mid-March

After rising 2.9% in January, the consumer price index jumped due to “an acceleration in the prices of energy, services, manufactured goods and food”details INSEE, which is due to publish a final estimate of the evolution of consumer prices in February in mid-March.

Energy prices have thus jumped by 21% compared to February 2021 and those of fresh products by 5.6%. In services, they grew by 2.2%, “notably due to the rebound in the prices of transport services”. The cost of manufactured goods also increased by 2.2%, “in connection with the end of the winter sales”.

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