Inflation accelerated in July to reach 6.1% over one year, confirms INSEE

Energy prices continued to weigh on inflation figures but less than in recent months, the statistics institute pointed out..

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The rise in consumer prices in France accelerated in July to reach 6.1% over one year, confirmed INSEE in its final estimate, Friday August 12. Energy prices, rising due to the war in Ukraine, continued to weigh on inflation figures but less than in recent months, the statistics institute said.

Oil prices have fallen back a little in recent weeks, due in particular to fears about economic activity in China. As a result, energy prices rose 28.5% year on year in July, after rising 33.1% the previous month.

On the other hand, INSEE notes an acceleration in the prices of services (+ 3.9% in July compared to the same period in 2021), food (+ 6.8%), and manufactured goods. Over one month, consumer prices rose by 0.3%, after +0.7% in June.

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