Inès Reg thinned by 15 kilos in 3 months: Her infallible and fairly unknown method

For nearly ten years, Ines Reg puts on a show on stage and puts sparkles in people’s lives. The 30-year-old young woman, who hid under the costume of the Tigress in Mask Singer 2022 on October 4, was part of the Jamel Comedy Club troupe (from 2013) and had the chance to be more highlighted at the Marrakech du rire in 2019. It was also that year that one of her videos has gone viral, the one where she asks her husband Kevin to put some glitter in her life. Thereafter, she chained the projects and in particular had the pleasure of presenting her film I want you too on Amazon Prime last year. For the occasion, she confided in Gala. And she had in particular confided in her big weight loss.

After talking about her beauty routine, Inès Reg did not escape a question about her weight loss. Because in October 2020, the charming brunette proudly revealed that she weighed 61 kilos and that it was thanks to the Abura method that she felt better about herself. “There is no such thing as a perfect body. There is no Instagrammable body. What matters is our well-being. It’s to love each other, to take responsibility, to be proud of who we are“, she wrote in particular on Instagram. Our colleagues from Gala wanted to know more about his physical transformation. “More than a diet it’s a food balance. By dint of being on tour and eating poorly, I gained a lot of weight in recent years, when I reached 76 kilos (for 1m50!), I said stop. Thanks to this method, I learned to eat again and eliminated sugar. In three months, I lost 15 kilos and today I am stable. In addition, I sleep less, better and I feel in great shape“, she said in April 2021.

The Adura method is a low-calorie diet that combines two well-known slimming methods: the keto diet and intermittent fasting. The first is high in fat and very low in carbohydrates to limit insulin levels in the blood and force the body into a state of ketosis. The body will no longer draw its energy from sugar as it used to but from fat. There is then a decrease in fat reserves and therefore a loss of weight. Intermittent fasting consists of having 2 meals a day and then fasting for 16 hours.

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