Inès Reg not funny according to Twitter… ruthless Internet users!

Wednesday, July 6, Beijing Express made a comeback on M6. A special edition since it is celebrities who have been invited to participate in the experience: Yoann Riou, Rachel Legrain-Trapani, her companion Valentin Léonard, Valérie Trierweiler and her friend Karine but also Inès Reg. It was not accompanied by her companion Kevin that the comedian set off on the roads of Sri Lanka. “Ah, but I don’t recommend that to all couples! The most frequent fights in a couple are in the car and that’s the very essence of Beijing express”she confided to Entertainment TV. “Every time I saw Rachel Legrain-Trapani and Valentin Léonard, I thought, ‘Lucky I didn’t do it with Kevin!'”

During this first act, Internet users had decided to let off steam on the 29-year-old comedian, whom many considered “not funny” and “unbearable”.

“Ines reg, just unbearable”, “Imagine you have the choice between going to the inès reg show or camille lellouche how do you prefer to die”, “It’s a slap in the face Inès Reg”, “The duo Inès Regest unbearable” , “I would be too sick if Yoan and Xavier leave instead of Ines reg there she is not even funny”, “A moved thought for this fabulous country that is Sri Lanka which had to support our national ball Inès Reg for 1 month. Our most sincere apologies…”, “Why did you ask Inès reg for Beijing Express? Who in the production said to himself: let’s call Inès! She’s brilliant and too funny!!! Toz sur toi” , “Inès Reg, she’s so embarrassing”, “Oh la la Inès Reg, I can’t anymore. There’s something that bugs me about her voice, her way of speaking, I find it unnatural, she always makes a fuss of it, it’s unbearable”, could we read in the comments.

With her big sister, Inès triumphed in the final duel against Yoann Riou and Xavier Domergue. The two sports commentators were not eliminated since they inherited a non-elimination envelope. They will be disabled next week.

See also: Inès Reg: the end of a great adventure!

Adam Javal-Fauconnier

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