Ines Reg is meeting her fans in June for… a duet with Hatik!

The appointment is made. Since the end of the Covid-19 pandemic, Inès Reg has regained the joy of living. A joy she had never really lost but which had taken a serious hit when the virus prevented her from meeting her audience on stage. Indeed, the comedian has never hidden his love for the stage and especially sharing it with his fans. This is why, when the pandemic prevented her from doing what she loved above all, the one who made herself known thanks to the glitter that her darling Kevin gave her in life, experienced the situation in a rather complicated way. .

But that is now a thing of the past. The one that disappointed viewers during its passage in France has an unbelievable talent went back on the road, like all the other artists, and lives her best life as evidenced by the many stories published at each of her shows. Moreover, Parisian fans will be able to find her at the Défense Arena in Paris on June 17… and not with just anything.

Hatik in duet with Inès Reg?

Indeed, Inès Reg spoke on Instagram this Thursday, January 5, to announce great news. A big fan of Hatik, she will soon be able to collaborate with the rapper who became known in Franck Gastambide’s series: Validated. In any case, this is what she let understand in a fun video. “Oh, that’s amazing. Every time I say something, there’s something about that thing that’s going on. Like if I say Kevin…”

Did she know before glitter fell on her in reference to her famous sketch which made her known. “It’s magic… Let’s imagine I say ‘Emmanuel Macron’…”, she continues when a Yellow Vest arrives behind her. But Ines Reg didn’t stop there. “Hey, it’s a delirium, it even works with the music. Angela! Call me tonight…”she begins to sing when Hatik arrives behind her to take over: “And I start from the zone”. Something to make happy the comedian who throws him: “There’s something. I swear there’s something, we have to do a duet together”. The artist, more than leaving, then replies: “Well hot. Can we see that for June 17 then?”. “June 17? Come on, let’s go!”finally confirmed Inès Reg.

See also: “I’m disgusted because I’m addicted”: Inès Reg reveals the behind the scenes!


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