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According to a survey by the National Institute for Demographic Studies, INED, published on April 26, to adapt to consumption methods, working hours are increasingly atypical: early in the morning, at night or weekend. These working hours particularly concern women.
Before 5 a.m., at night or on weekends, 36% of French people work so-called “atypical“. This is the case of a nurse who goes back to work at night for a month, from 7 p.m. to 7 a.m. “In the long term, this will have consequences. I know very well that in terms of health, there is an increased risk of cancer (…), there are diseases which are more easily declared when you work at night“explains William Pérel, intensive care nurse at AP-HP (Paris).
Behind this 36% hide inequalities based on gender and the qualification of the person. Women are the most affected by staggered hours. They are 37% against 35% of men. Two sectors are particularly affected: health and personal assistance, as well as trade and mass distribution according to Anne Lambert, sociologist.