Less than six months before the European elections, the RN is at the top of voting intentions according to several polls. Faced with this, Roland Lescure believes Thursday on France Inter that the industry “is one of the important weapons that we will have to amplify, accelerate this year”.
Reading time: 1 min

Guest of France Inter on Thursday January 4, the Minister Delegate in charge of Industry steps up to the plate against the National Rally (RN). “There have been territories that have been deindustrialized for decades, in which we have lost hope, in which anger has risen”notes Roland Lescure. “I am convinced that the industry is an anti-anger weapon, it is an anti-National Rally weapon, it must be said”he adds.
The latter recognizes that for the moment, the electoral trend is not reversing, in the territories where industries are returning. It prevents : “I think this is one of the important weapons that we will have to amplify and accelerate this year”, he says, less than six months before the European elections. Several polls show Marine Le Pen’s party well ahead in voting intentions in this election.
Roland Lescure takes the example of the Buitoni factory, in Caudry in the North, which closed following the “health scandal of frozen pizzas”. “We found a buyer”he congratulates himself, “and not just any pizza, since it is Italpizza, the Italian leader in frozen pizza, which is going to Caudry to make pizzas. We are going to create jobs, we are going to restore hope”.
He cites another example to prove that this strategy is the right one. “I have made 132 trips to our industrial territories over the past 18 months. Each time, the mayor is there to welcome me. With two exceptions: Hayange and Hénin-Beaumont”, two towns held by the RN. Conclusion : “When the Minister of Industry arrives with good news, the mayor National Front [RN] is not very happy”.