The European Route d’Artagnan now passes through Indre. It was inaugurated this Sunday, May 22 at Château Guillaume in Lignac. This 6,000 km hiking route starts from Lupiac in the Gers, where d’Artagnan was born, and joins Maastricht, where the Captain-Lieutenant of the Musketeers died.
– Justine Claux
Before arriving in the Netherlands, this crossing of Europe stops in the Brenne, notably in Lignac, Chalet, Bélâbre and Valençay. The Route d’Artagnan is in a way Berry’s version of La Loire à vélo, with one difference: it is mainly practiced on horseback. New horse riding trailsbut also cyclists and pedestrians, have thus been created at Château Guillaume.
“Magnificent paths”
Hardly inaugurated, the road is already borrowed, in particular by the equestrian hikers. Laurene left on horseback from Chaillac. She has traveled nearly 18 kilometers to reach Château Guillaume. A four hour trip that was well worth it. “This is my first big hike and I have no pain anywhere, it’s greatshe jokes. It was very well marked and the trails were very clean, we did it royally”.
– Justine Claux
Behind this rider: ponies and a special guest, disguised, for the occasion, as a musketeer. The former mayor of Chaillac, Gérard Mayaud, also took the hiking trail. “What is happening today, I had dreamed of it for a long time, not to be in d’Artagnan’s uniform, but simply to see these magnificent paths, it is a very great success”rejoices the former elected official.
Attracting tourists to Indre
Three walks are now offered to visitorson foot, on horseback and by bicycle. “The hike goes through all the small paths found around Château Guillaume, in all, there is a loop of 32 kilometersexplains Philippe Macé, the organizer of the hikes. People can start from one place, arrive here at noon to eat, then go back to the starting point”.
This is one of the great interests of this new route: attract tourists to Indre. “People who will take this route will necessarily consume, enjoy, visit and discover this magnificent region of the department”assures Laurent Laroche, president of the Brenne Regional Natural Park.
– Justine Claux
With the Route d’Artagnan, tourism stakeholders hope to promote equestrian lodges, local products and the department. “It’s a real new tool for the benefit of tourism in Indre”adds Laurent Laroche.
For the more adventurous who would like to embark on the adventure, the portion of Route d’Artagnan in Indre counts more than 247 kilometers of trails. Each year, one of the municipalities it crosses will organize a festive gathering. In 2023, the municipality of Valencay will host the event.