Indonesia orders 42 Rafale and strengthens its military partnership with France

Jakarta | Indonesia signed an order for 42 Rafales on Thursday, as Paris and Jakarta seek to strengthen their ties in the face of growing tensions in Asia-Pacific.

“We have agreed on the purchase of 42 Rafale, with a contract for 6 Rafale (Thursday), and an upcoming contract for 36,” Indonesian Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto announced Thursday after a meeting. with her French counterpart Florence Parly in Jakarta.

Southeast Asia’s largest nation cultivating its non-aligned stance had never previously acquired French fighter jets, but it is seeking to diversify its alliances and military equipment suppliers in the face of a rise tensions in the region, particularly between China and the United States.

“It’s official, Indonesia is ordering 42 Rafales,” confirmed the minister on her Twitter account.

The order fixes an entry into force with a first payment in two instalments, of 6 devices then of 36, explained to AFP the CEO of Dassault Eric Trappier.

“The advantage is that by putting the first 6 into effect more quickly, we save a little time,” he said.

France is also seeking to strengthen ties with Indonesia after seeing its strategy for asserting itself in the Asia-Pacific shaken last year by Australia’s sudden termination of a mega-contract to purchase submarines. French sailors and the announcement of the AUKUS strategic alliance between this country, the United States and the United Kingdom.

After this disappointment, Paris wants to strengthen its alliance with its old partners, Japan and India, but also with Indonesia, and other partners in Asia.

France has thus initiated a “reinforced partnership” with Indonesia, during the visit of Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian in November.

“The choice made by Indonesia is that of sovereignty and technical excellence, with an aircraft that has demonstrated its operational capabilities on many occasions,” French Minister of the Armed Forces Florence Parly told journalists.

The two countries are also engaging in research and development cooperation in the field of submarines with an agreement between the French group Naval Group and the Indonesian shipbuilder PT Pal which “should lead to the acquisition of two scorpene submarines”, added the Indonesian minister.

Indonesia has aging equipment, mainly American F-16s and Russian Su-27 and Su-30 Sukhoi, and is in negotiations with multiple partners to renew its combat aircraft.

Especially since a contract that Indonesia had signed in 2018 for the purchase of eleven Sukhoi Su-35 fighter jets from Russia never materialized, due to the American Caatsa law which provides for sanctions. automatically when a country enters into a “significant transaction” with the Russian arms industry.

The French and Indonesian defense ministers had signed a defense cooperation agreement in 2021 in Paris and negotiations on the acquisition of Rafale had been underway for several months on financing and compensation.

Jakarta is also negotiating the purchase of around 30 American F-15 fighter jets, according to the media, and is participating in a research and development project with South Korea for the KF-21 fighter jet.

Dassault had a boom year in 2021 with 18 aircraft sold to Greece (including 12 used), 30 to Egypt and 12 second-hand to Croatia and a record order of 80 aircraft for the United Arab Emirates.

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