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09:02 : It is 9 a.m., we take stock:
#BAC That’s it, the results of the baccalaureate are online for some academies (Nantes, Aix Marseille, Reunion, Guyana, Mayotte, Orleans-Tours and Reims)! You can consult them on the National Education website or on the platform.
Emmanuel Macron meets this morning at the Elysée the members of the government concerned by the measures for purchasing power. Objective: to finalize the bill which must be presented tomorrow to the Council of Ministers.
At least six people were killed and 26 injured in a shooting in the Chicago suburb of Highland Park yesterday during an American Independence Day parade. The shooter was arrested. Another shooting took place in Philadelphia, injuring two police officers.
#abortion More than eight out of ten French people (81%) are in favor of including the right to abortion in the Constitution, according to a study by the Jean-Jaurès Foundation revealed to you exclusively by franceinfo. But only 31% of them consider it possible that the right to abortion could be called into question in the near future.
08:58 : Before this meeting, another is taking place this morning at the Elysée Palace between Emmanuel Macron and the members of the government concerned by the measures for purchasing power. Objective: to finalize the bill which must be presented tomorrow to the Council of Ministers.
08:54 : The President of the Republic will receive the parliamentarians of the majority Thursday at 7:15 p.m., learned franceinfo from parliamentary sources.
08:49 : How to explain that so few women are full ministers? “If the Nupes had not called to give no voice to Brigitte Bourguignon, she would be with us today”replied the Minister for Energy Transition, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, on franceinfo, recalling that the government is “parity” in general. She also recalls that a woman is Prime Minister and another presides over the National Assembly.
08:34 : The socialist Valérie Rabault, vice-president of the National Assembly, indicates on franceinfo that she is not “not favorable” the filing of a motion of censure against the government. “A motion of censure is only of interest if it is voted and if it is not, it means that we agree with the government which would emerge from this sequence”she justified, while such a motion is proposed by its partner, La France insoumise.
08:19 : The High Council for Equality between Women and Men (HCE) denounces a “facade parity” in the new government, while 11 out of 16 ministers are men. “Mdespite the appointment of Elisabeth Borne as Prime Minister, strong commitment”He denounces “gender biases and gender stereotypes” : four men are at the head of the five sovereign ministries, and seven women at the head of the nine social ministries.
08:04 : “You should not compare what is not comparable. (…) Damien Abad could no longer continue to work in good conditions”advances the spokesman of the government, Olivier Véran, on France Inter, to justify his departure from the government, while Eric Dupond-Moretti, indicted, or Chrysoula Zacharopoulou, targeted by two complaints for rape, are, them, maintained in Elisabeth Borne’s team.
07:54 : “We will continue to take measures for the purchasing power of the French, but we will do so in a trajectory of deficit reduction”, assures Gabriel Attal on RTL. How to do it when growth forecasts are down? “We have an unemployment rate at its lowest for 15 years, which generates additional revenue for the State”argues the Minister of Public Accounts.
08:04 : “The wish is to have ministers capable of carrying out their mission calmly. (…) Damien Abad will be able to express himself and defend himself calmly” outside the government, justifies Gabriel Attal, Minister in charge of Public Accounts, on RTL, to explain the departure of the minister under investigation for “attempted rape”.
07:20 : The RN goes from 8 to 89 deputies: a challenge for the far-right party, which dreams of finalizing its demonization by presenting itself as a government party like any other. Our journalist Antoine Comte tells you how he wants to go about it. (ARTHUR NICHOLAS ORCHARD / AFP)
07:31 : “I don’t understand how Elisabeth Borne could accept such a regression.”
The ministerial reshuffle sees the number of full-time women ministers reduced to five against eleven men even if parity is respected taking into account the deputy ministers and secretaries of state. “Emmanuel Macron is making a worrying setback”, adds Senator PS from Oise on franceinfo.
07:55 : Not surprisingly, many of your newspapers are interested this morning in the composition of the reshuffled government of Elisabeth Borne, unveiled yesterday. The comments are not rave reviews, Opinion at Humanity.