In the program “En quest d’esprit”, broadcast on CNews and Europe 1 on Sunday, voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) was presented as “the leading cause of mortality in the world”.
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The La France insoumise (LFI) group at the National Assembly seizes “immediately” the Audiovisual and Digital Communication Regulatory Authority (Arcom) after a new controversial sequence on abortion broadcast on CNews and Europe 1, announces the leader of LFI deputies, Mathilde Panot, Monday February 26 on program “In search of spirit”, Sunday, voluntary termination of pregnancy (IVG) was presented as “the leading cause of death in the world”.
“As a reminder, the offense of obstructing abortion is criminally punishable in France”, underlines the member for Val-de-Marne. CNews, which will “always further into the abject”according to her, “must be sanctioned and the right to abortion [doit être] guaranteed in the Constitution!” “For all those who wonder why it is necessary to constitutionalize abortion to definitively protect it. That’s why!”agrees the president (Renaissance) of the Law Commission of the National Assembly, Sacha Houlié, on the same social network.
The controversial extract unavailable in replay
This sequence does not only outrage the National Assembly. “CNews, in the midst of anti-abortion propaganda, considers the 73 million abortions as 73 million deaths. This is how we threaten abortion in France and in the world. This is why it is urgent to guarantee this right in the constitution”, also reacts the communist senator Ian Brossat. Senators vote on Wednesday on the constitutionalization of a “freedom guaranteed” to abortion.
Late Monday afternoon, the channel apologized. “The Cnews channel apologizes to its viewers for this error which should not have happened” And “to all women”, declared Laurence Ferrari at the start of his show Punchline.