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The French cement manufacturer Lafarge is accused of complicity in crimes against humanity. Its Syrian subsidiary is suspected of having paid several million euros to terrorist groups, including the Islamic State, between 2013 and 2014.
The French cement manufacturer Lafarge could potentially be tried for crimes against humanity and endangering the lives of others. On Wednesday May 18, the Paris Court of Appeal confirmed the validity of the company’s indictment for these two counts. Lafarge, now owned by the Swiss group Holcim, is suspected of having paid several million euros through a subsidiary to terrorist organizations, including the Islamic State, in order to maintain its cement business in Syria.
For its part, Holcim indicates that it totally disagrees with the decision of the Court of Appeal and that it was not aware of the charges against the cement manufacturer during their merger. The group will appeal to the Court of Cassation to request the annulment of the decision of the Court of Appeal.