Indian minister rushed to hospital after drinking water from sacred river!

This Tuesday, July 19, 2022, Bhagwant Mann, senior official of the Indian state of Punjab, was rushed to hospital, reports our colleagues from BFM TV. The politician was suffering from terrible stomach aches after drinking a glass of water from the sacred Kali Bein river in a bid to prove that it is not polluted. According to the latest information shared by the Indian Express, the minister was at his official residence in Chandigarh when he started complaining of severe pain in his stomach during the evening. He was reportedly airlifted to Indraprastha Apollo Hospital. His hospitalization would indeed be linked to the consumption of water from the Kali Bein river.

“Prove that the water is clean”

It was during the 22nd anniversary of the cleaning of this sacred place that Bhagwant Mann wanted to prove the purity of the liquid. An event that had been shared live on social networks. In images posted online by Ashok Swain, professor of peace and conflict research at the Department of Peace and Conflict Research at Uppsala University, we can see the chosen one dipping his glass in the river before bringing it to his lips and drinking it entirely. A gesture that did not fail to arouse strong reactions from Internet users. ” Punjab’s chief minister openly drinks a glass of polluted water from a ‘sacred river’ to prove the water is clean. Now he is admitted to the hospital “wrote the professor in the caption.

Fortunately, the senior official of the Indian state of Punjab would have quickly regained the hair of the beast. The Indian media reported that Bhagwant Mann was back in his post. In particular, he would have visited the family of a soldier killed in the Ladakh region, according to BFM TV.


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