Indian cuisine invites itself to France Bleu Alsace

Spices, exotic flavors, completely unknown culinary specialties are yours.

Make way for world cuisine.

This Tuesday, Indian cuisine is in the spotlight with Melissa Vithy from maharajah restaurant in Strasbourg from 10 a.m. on France Bleu Alsace.

Indian cuisine based mainly on spices, herbs, fruits and vegetables, has given rise to beautiful vegetarian recipes. Meat lovers are also entitled to their share of pleasure with some chicken and lamb dishes.

Your recipes at


The Strasfoodtour is a culinary tour of the association’s restaurants Strasfoodfamily, which aims to take participants on a journey through the different specialties of the world just by going around Strasbourg. We discover this concept with its organizer, Yap Maglo at 10:30 a.m.

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