independent report points to UEFA’s ‘primary responsibility’

The findings of an independent investigation into the incidents also point to the poor response of French security forces, arguing that police use of tear gas and pepper spray had “no place in a football party “.

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UEFA, organizer of the 2022 Champions League final between Real Madrid and Liverpool, wears the “primary responsibility” serious incidents “which almost led to disaster” last May at the Stade de France, concluded a group of experts at the end of an independent investigation commissioned by the European body, the conclusions of which were obtained by AFP, Monday, February 13.

“The group concluded that UEFA, as the owner of the event, bears primary responsibility for the failures” the evening of May 28, can we read in this long document. “The other stakeholders made shortcomings that contributed (to incidents) but UEFA were in charge.”

“Even if it was reasonable to delegate security issues to others, first and foremost the FFF and to refer to (…) the Prefecture of Police for matters of maintaining order, it is not does not mean that UEFA is absolved of its responsibility, continue the experts who carried out this investigation. UEFA played a central role in the organization of the event and they should have watched, supervised and contributed to the security measures”argue the experts.

The use of tear gas “had no place” in the final

Endless waiting, supporters and families sprayed with tear gas or victims of theft… Scenes of chaos had taken place on the sidelines of this Champions League final in Saint-Denis, causing a lively controversy in France and England. The report also points to the poor reaction of the French security forces, arguing that the police’s use of tear gas and pepper spray had “no place at a football party”.

The experts in this report said they were “stunned” that the policing pattern of the match may have been influenced by the image of Liverpool supporters as hooligans, a “unexplainable misconception”.

The Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin had initially incriminated the British supporters with the many falsified tickets according to him. The prefect Didier Lallement had subsequently admitted to having “maybe deceived” on their number, recognizing a “failure”.

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