After the intensivist Gabriel Lemaire (Jean-Nicolas Verreault) of STATwho emerged from his coma in a haze of drugs and insults, another pivotal character in a daily series returned from the dead, this time in the grand finale ofIndefensiblewhich TVA relayed on Thursday evening.
Yes yes. The whistleblower alert is vigorously activated here like the private detective Claude Gagnon (Nathalie Madore) who is looking for a piece of wool in a cedar hedge.
How are you ? Nostradumas and several devotees ofIndefensible had guessed it: the viscous criminal lawyer Frédéric Legrand (Martin-David Peters) is not dead following the shooting that occurred before the holiday break, under the horrified eyes of poor Inès Saïd (Nour Belkhiria).

Scene from the episode where Me Frédéric Legrand (Martin-David Peters) was hit in a shootout
Me Legrand was instead hidden by the police as part of Operation Dallas, a secret mission led by investigator Maxime Dubois (Mathieu Baron) and of which we know next to nothing.
While employees of the firm Lapointe, Macdonald and Desjardins were toasting their victory in the murder trial of judge Clara Fortin (Josée Deschênes), cop Maxime Dubois and psychiatrist Karine Lévesque (Marie-Ève Perron) entered the meeting room with burial faces. You are going to have a fairly violent shock, warned the DD Levesque.
And then, bam, Me Legrand, still alive, as in the success of Gerry Boulet, walked through the doors and sawed off the legs of his former comrades.
In summary, M.e Legrand risked being assassinated when he left the hospital and the agents of the Sûreté du Québec (SQ) decided to withdraw him from circulation, simulating his death, the time to lock up those responsible for the attack.
Only the son of Me Legrand and the child’s mother were informed of the ruse. So the mafia mistress of Me Legrand, Jessica Renaud (Émilie Lajoie), did not participate in the scheme, although she was seen packing two large suitcases into her Jeep shortly after the fake death of her lover.
This very compact last episode of the first season ofIndefensible ended with another flurry of bullets, which involved Max Dubois and a fake policeman who probably put on the worst wig in the history of Quebec television after that of Daniel Lavoie in the series on Félix Leclerc.

Mathieu Baron as investigator Maxime Dubois in Indefensible
With a fake police car, a fake uniform, but a real weapon, the suspect entered a cafe and opened fire on customers. Max was close by and was caught in the firefight. The final images did not reveal if Max was killed, injured or if he hit the berserk. Next in September.
And who was that crank in disguise in a patrol costume bought on Amazon? Mystery. The character, new to the soap opera, is called Luc Roberge (Joël Côté). At first, I thought it was crack addict Michel Murdoch (Simon Tanguay), who wanted revenge for Justice Fortin’s acquittal. But no.
The last week ofIndefensible also brought back a key character from the beginning of the popular TVA soap opera: psychiatrist Martin Charbonneau (Christian Bégin). Awaiting trial, Dr.r Charbonneau was visited by his former friend and prosecutor, André Lapointe (Michel Laperrière), and their meeting turned sour.
“You lift my heart. You’re garbage, Martin. I had to tell you, ”launched Me D lapointer Charbonneau, who allegedly assaulted his own daughter and several of his patients, including Pierre Poirier (Hubert Proulx), who was also making a big comeback on the show.
Even though it was sketched in broad strokes, I really like the character of private detective Claude Gagnon, a smart, talkative woman. Gagnon, who calls everyone by her last name, stands out in each of the scenes where she appears.
Wishes, now, for the second chapter ofIndefensible ? Less Ti-Bill (Jean Maheux), more Sonia Cadet (Marilyse Bourke). Less law 101 courses, more judge Linda Lareau (Annick Bergeron), too. She is excellent.
It was Judge Lareau who supervised the trial of Clara Fortin, accused and then acquitted of the premeditated murder of her unfaithful husband.
And even if he is detestable, the criminal lawyer Cédric Boileau (Peter Miller) feeds crisp intrigues as much on the professional level (he represents gangsters!) as personal (Marie-Anne hates him!). We will see him again in the fall.
Speaking of Marie-Anne (Anne-Élisabeth Bossé), the office’s new partner, she resumed with Max Dubois, the childhood friend of her colleague Léo (Sébastien Delorme), with whom she cheated on him. It would be cruel to kill Max when Marie-Anne was ready to commit to him.
I prefered STATbut I did not miss a single one of the 120 episodes ofIndefensible This year. There were softer, longer moments in the second half of the season, but nothing unforgivable that would force us to quit like poor receptionist-criminologist Tatiana (Tatiana Zinga Botao).