Video length: 2 min.
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The intensification of air turbulence could be linked to climate change. Scientists agree that they will be more and more frequent.
The scene is filmed a few minutes after turbulence of a rare intensity, in the sky of the United States. In a plane, the passengers notice the damage, flabbergasted. Some describe a fall of several hundred meters in the air. “I thought I was going to die. We were speechless, there was trash everywhere, the food flew“, says a man.
Airplanes designed to withstand turbulence
On other flights, the consequences are much more serious. In another video, passengers have their faces covered in blood on a plane heading to Hawaii (United States). According to Xavier Tytelman, an aviation safety specialist, the tremors are more spectacular than dangerous. “Planes are designed to withstand 150% of the worst turbulence that exists in the Earth’s atmosphere.“, he assures. For the comfort of travelers, the routes avoid risk areas, and radars make it possible to avoid clouds. According to some scientists, the phenomenon could multiply with climate change.