Increased presence of the private sector | “Extremely worrying”, according to the FIQ

Opening the door further to the private sector in health, as the Legault government envisages, is “extremely worrying” and will only further weaken the public network, warns the FIQ.

Posted at 10:51 a.m.

Lia Levesque
The Canadian Press

The Interprofessional Health Federation and the FIQP (private) met the press on Tuesday to share their expectations for the Girard budget, which is due to be tabled next week.

The FIQ and the FIQP plead for a reinvestment in home care, in services for the elderly, for a law on nurse-patient ratios. They want an improvement in the working conditions of nurses and other healthcare professionals to keep them in the public network, in particular by putting an end to the TSO — compulsory overtime.

However, following recent statements by the Minister of Health and Social Services, Christian Dubé, in various media, it seems increasingly obvious that the government wants to make more room for the private sector in health.

For the president of the FIQ, Julie Bouchard, “the answer is no”; this is not the way to go. This will only “divide the public network”, weaken it further, fears the union leader.

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