Increase in the retail price of milk

Consumers will pay two cents more for their liter of 2% fat milk from the 1er February 2023. The Régie des Marchés Agricoles et Alimentaires du Québec (RMAAQ) made the announcement late Thursday afternoon, a few days after holding hearings on the matter.

Currently, in Region 1 — which covers most of Quebec — the minimum retail price for a carton containing one liter of 2% milk fat is $1.99 while its maximum price is $2.15 $.

In February, the floor price will be set at $2.00 and the ceiling price will reach $2.17. Generally, retailers pay for their milk at the minimum price determined by the Régie and resell it at the maximum price.

It should be noted that the Canadian Dairy Commission recommended a 2.2% increase in the cost of milk at the farm gate, which foreshadowed an increase in the retail price of milk, determined in Quebec by the RMAAQ.

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